

It takes a lot of effort and commitment to keep the Church moving; our Minister, Leadership Team, Organisers, Pastoral Visitors, Cleaners and everyone who contributes to the life of the Church all deserve our thanks.


Much of what is done is done quietly and without publicity. But some is necessarily public, and therefore can be reported and described.

First, in everything we do we look for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. After all if the Holy Spirit is not leading us, we are not a Church.

Under Him, the governing body of Wotton United Church is the Church Meeting, open to all members, and chaired by our Minister. This body also acts as the Church Meeting for URC purposes, and both as the Church Council and the Church Meeting for Methodist purposes.

The day-to-day running of the Church is the responsibility of the Leadership Team, elected by the Church Meeting. The Leadership Team meets regularly, and the Minister also attends the Leadership Team Meetings.

The fabric of the buildings is the responsibility of the Property Committee, also elected by the Church Meeting.

The Minister is supported in his pastoral work by a team of Pastoral Visitors. Every member and adherent of the Church is on the list of a Pastoral Visitor who will keep in touch, and ensure that needs are known and support is given.

One important aspect of pastoral work is the giving of the flowers from Church to those who are ill, or who would be glad to know that the Church is thinking of them.

Most of other tasks in the life of the Church are delegated to rota secretaries who organise rotas of people willing to support that particular work; for instance, we have a rota for transporting the infirm to Church, a rota for buying and arranging the Church flowers - and so on.

The Church Meeting also elects people to represent the Church on other bodies, such as Churches Together In Wotton, and to handle other contacts with other bodies and the media; such as a Press Officer and a Webmaster.